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Deploy Exercise 10: Steps to Create a Package


Use the Administration User Login to Create a Package in the Deploy Client

  • Create a Package named Congo HR Package
    • Use the HR Import and HR Import Processing Schedules in the Package
  • Verify that the Package has been created in the View or Edit Packages Screen


Create a Package Including All the Schedules Imported in Exercise 8

  1. Open the Deploy Client using the Administration User
  2. Go to the Packages section and click the Manage link to open the View or Edit Packages screen
  3. Click the Add button
  4. Enter a new Package name in the Package Name text box that will reflect the HR Schedules imported during Exercise 8 - Congo HR Package
  5. Enter a description in the Description text box: Schedules for Congo HR Processing
  6. Now click the Edit button at the right of Schedules to open the Select One or More Schedules screen
  7. Expand the HR Import and HR Import Processing Schedules imported during exercise 8 and move the latest Version of each of these Schedules to the bottom half of the screen (You may need to click the REFRESH button to view the Schedules)
  8. Click the OK button
  9. Click the Close button
  10. Click the Save button
  11. The new Package can now be seen in the View or Edit Packages screen - After checking this, click the Close button to close out this screen
Video Walkthrough