Deploy Exercise 10: Steps to Create a Package
Use the Administration User Login to Create a Package in the Deploy Client
- Create a Package named Congo HR Package
- Use the HR Import and HR Import Processing Schedules in the Package
- Verify that the Package has been created in the View or Edit Packages Screen
Create a Package Including All the Schedules Imported in Exercise 8
- Open the Deploy Client using the Administration User
- Go to the Packages section and click the Manage link to open the View or Edit Packages screen
- Click the Add button
- Enter a new Package name in the Package Name text box that will reflect the HR Schedules imported during Exercise 8 - Congo HR Package
- Enter a description in the Description text box: Schedules for Congo HR Processing
- Now click the Edit button at the right of Schedules to open the Select One or More Schedules screen
- Expand the HR Import and HR Import Processing Schedules imported during exercise 8 and move the latest Version of each of these Schedules to the bottom half of the screen (You may need to click the REFRESH button to view the Schedules)
- Click the OK button
- Click the Close button
- Click the Save button
- The new Package can now be seen in the View or Edit Packages screen - After checking this, click the Close button to close out this screen
Video Walkthrough